Who Is Sangka, A Mobile Coffee Seller Who Is Involved In A Terrorist Network In Tangerang A Good Figure And Dermawan
A rented house in Tangerang is inhabited by a suspected terrorist / Photo: IST

TANGERANG Residents of West Gelam Village, RT/RW 01/01, Gelam Jaya Village, Pasar Kemis, Tangerang Regency were surprised when Densus 88 Anti-terror searched a yellow rented house. This activity is related to the follow-up to S's arrest, who was arrested earlier in Ngawi on Saturday, December 16.

During the search, local residents admitted that they did not expect S to be involved in a terrorist network. Because residents know S, only a mobile coffee trader.

One of the residents who did not want to mention his name admitted that he knew S as a kind and smiling figure. Although he is not very close, S is known to be a generous person.

"He is good, instead often gives large donations if there are activities of residents," said a resident around the rented house, Monday, December 18.

Residents said S had lived in this rented house for a year and a half. He sells coffee around the Pasar Kemis area, Tangerang Regency.

"The interaction with residents is also normal. No one is suspected. He sells coffee around, sometimes hangs out at hospitals in the Pasar Kemis area," he said.

He also said that he last met S on Friday, December 15. S at that time said he wanted to return to his hometown to Ngawi, Central Java for a family event.

"Lastly, he said he wanted to return to his hometown to Java (Ngawi), he said he said there was a family event (her son's agency)," he concluded.

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