Ministry Of Religion Asks Buddhists Not To Function Viharas For Practical Political Interests
Photo: Doc. Antara

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Religion (Kemenag) has asked Biak Numfor Buddhists, Papua to function Vihara as a place of worship and not to use it for practical political interests to face the 2024 General Election.

"Make Vihara a place of worship to foster the faith of the people in approaching him to the Buddhist Parama," said Director General of Community Guidance of the Indonesian Ministry of Religion Supriyadi M.Pd in facing the 2024 simultaneous elections, quoted from Antara, Saturday, October 14.

He reminded that the political agenda for the 2024 simultaneous elections is a five-year democratic process in Indonesia so that all Buddhists can exercise their right to vote well.

To give their voting rights in the election, according to Supriyadi, they are welcome to vote according to their respective consciences.

"Regarding the choice in the election, it is a personal right and do it carefully according to the conscience concerned," he said.

Director General of Community Guidance Budha Supriyadi invites Buddhists Biak Numfor to participate in supporting and successful Sail Teluk Cenderawasih (STC) 2023.

He admitted, because the STC Biak activity was the national agenda of national tourism, all Buddhists were directly involved in the success of the 2023 STC tourism activities.

Meanwhile, Acting Secretary of Biak Numfor ZL Mailoa invites Buddhists to always maintain the peace and comfort of the city of Biak.

"The Buddhist people of Biak Numfor continue to support local government programs for religious Biak with character and culture," he said

Chairman of the Indonesian Biak Buddhayana Council as Chair of the renovation committee for Vihara Susanto Pirono emphasized that the Buddhist people of Biak Numfor contributed to maintaining the peace and comfort of the city of Biak.

"For decades, Biak Numfor Buddhists have lived side by side and maintained a life tolerant relationship with all religious people," he said.

The implementation of religious harmony was realized by Buddhists, according to Susanto, during the fasting month his party held an opening activity with Muslims.

Meanwhile, in December celebrating Christmas, continued Susanto, Biak Numfor Buddhists participated in celebrating Christmas as an practice of the values of tolerance between religious communities.

Asked about the funds for the renovation of the Dharma Biak Buddhist Vihara, according to Susanto, the budget spent building houses of worship reached Rp. 5 billion.

"The capacity of the Vihara Biak house of worship can accommodate 400 Buddhists with a land area of two hectares," said Susanto Pirono.

The operation of Vihara Biak was marked by band cutting and the opening of the door key was carried out by the Director General of Bimmas Buddha Ministry of Religion Supriyadi, Acting Secretary ZL Mailoa, Head of Regional Office of the Papua Ministry of Religion Pdt Klemens Taran, Bhikkhu and Forkompinda Biak.

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