VIDEO: This Is The Reason Why The Labor Party Did Not Support Anies Baswedan In The 2024 Presidential Election
VIDEO: This Is The Reason The Labor Party Doesn't Support Anies In The 2024 Presidential Election. (VOI Video graphics Team)

JAKARTA - The Labor Party stated that it would not support Anies Baswedan's presidential candidate, in the 2024 presidential election. This was conveyed by the General Chair of the Labor Party, Said Iqbal, at a press conference on Wednesday (13/9). There are two reasons that the Labor Party explained in its decision. First, because of Anies' spokesman, Sudirman Said, who is considered to have broken into two trade union confederations, namely KSPI and FSPMI. Then the second reason, according to Said, Anies is considered to have betrayed his coalition political party, namely the Democratic Party. Watch the video below.

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