North Paser Sharpman Monitors Ports Appointed By The Ministry Of Transportation Can Only Unload IKN Needs
The situation of the Bumi Harapan Village Port in Sepaku, PPU, East Kalimantan, was designated as one of the special ports for loading and unloading IKN needs. (ANTARA-Nyaman Bagus P)

The North Penajam Paser (PPU) Prosecutor's Office (KALTIM) monitors a number of ports in its jurisdiction which are designated as supporters of the delivery of materials and logistics for the construction of the capital city of Nusantara (IKN).

Head of the Special Crimes Section (Kasi) of the PPU Kejari, Abram Namibia Putra Tambunan, said that his party would take firm action if there were ports indicated to serve loading and unloading in addition to materials and logistics for IKN development needs.

"The port permit is only allowed to serve the loading and unloading of IKN materials and logistics, it cannot be used outside the interests of IKN and if it is found that it is not used for IKN, strict action will be taken," he said in Penajam, East Kalimantan (Kaltim), Friday, August 18, confiscated by Antara.

Abram explained that the PPU Kejari inventory and identification activities were a follow-up to the instructions of the Attorney General's Office (Kajagung) to support the smooth delivery of materials and logistics for IKN development in parts of PPU and Kutai Kartanegara Regencies.

As is known, the Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub) issued recommendations through the Director General of Sea Transportation regarding the granting of permits to operate the use of coastlines for loading and unloading materials and logistics activities for the construction of the Archipelago City of sea lanes.

A total of 14 holders of permits to use coastlines for loading and unloading port activities for materials and logistics specifically for the construction of the new capital city of Indonesia were recorded in PPU Regency.

"The Ministry of Transportation has issued permits for 14 coastline holders to use the coastline to unload materials and logistics specifically for IKN," he said.

The permission to use the coastline issued by the Ministry of Transportation must first be a recommendation from the Ministry of PUPR and Kesyahbandaran and the Port Authority (KSOP).

The public prosecutor's office has monitored 14 holders of permits to use the coastline, he continued, because the permit issued by the Ministry of Transportation is only for the purpose of sending materials and logistics for the development of the City of Nusantara.

The PPU Prosecutor's Office will take firm action against port permit owners if it is indicated to serve loading and unloading in addition to materials and logistics for the development needs of the new capital city of Indonesia.

The PPU Kejari also monitors ports for disturbances from irresponsible persons, unfair business competition, and land and port mafias.

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