NU's 95th Day, PDIP Remembers Bung Karno's Relationship With The Founder Of NU
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JAKARTA - The 95th Harlah of the Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) has its own historical value for the PDI Perjuangan (PDIP). Since long time ago, Bung Karno's struggle could not be separated from the support of the NU kiai.

This relationship is mutually reinforcing until now. Evidently, there were 109 NU cadres who became regional heads of the party bearing the bull's head symbol.

Chairman of Baitul Muslimin Indonesia (Bamusi) Zuhairi Misrawi (Gus Mis) said that the harmony of Bung Karno and Kiai NU could be seen from the historical track record, especially when Bung Karno delivered his Pancasila speech on June 1, 1945.

"NU kiai are at the forefront of providing support for Pancasila. Hadratussyaikh Hasyim Asy'ari (Founder of NU) performs fast and istikharah prayers, asking Allah SWT for help so that Pancasila can become a unifying elan of the nation," Gus Mis said in an electronic message. received by journalists on Sunday, January 31.

That fact, continued Gus Mis, was consistent with NU's full support for Bung Karno and the Pancasila ideology.

"In the 1984 NU congress, NU mentioned Pancasila as an ideology which is in line with Islamic values. This proves that NU is the foremost guardian of the Pancasila ideology. Our task, according to NU, is to practice every precept in Pancasila in real life," said Gus. Eg.

It did not stop there, the moment was then perfected when the determination of June 1, 1945 as the Birthday of Pancasila, was proposed by the Nahdlatul Ulama Executive Board.

"So that Pancasila really hits the heart of the nation. The determination of June 1, 1945 as the Birthday of Pancasila proves how NU and PDI Perjuangan are in one breath of struggle," said Gus Mis.

Furthermore, other concrete evidence, according to Gus Mis, is that the PDIP currently has 109 regional heads who are NU cadres.

"109 PDI-P regional heads are NU cadres. In fact, this number is the largest among political parties in Indonesia," explained Gus Mis.

In the future, Gus Mis believes that the togetherness of the PDI-P and NU will further strengthen the spirit of nationality.

"This belief will continue to explode, because our belief in Pancasila as our guide requires mutual cooperation, collaboration, cooperation and togetherness. The collaboration between the PDI-P and NU has made this country more solid and strong, so that it becomes a sovereign state. , "concluded Gus Mis.

Today, PDIP is holding NU's 95th Harlah celebration at the PDIP DPP office and it is also attended by virtually all cadres throughout Indonesia.

Chairman of the DPP PDIP for Religious Affairs Hamka Haq said that the celebration of NU's 95th Harlah was a historical memorial of the same fighting spirit of nationalists and Islam.

Also attending were General Chairperson Megawati Soekarnoputri, Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto, and PDIP figures from NU cadres in both the legislative and executive branches.

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