Mario Dandi Satriyo Becomes Suspect Of Obscenity Of AG Children
The defendant Mario Dandy Satriyo during a trial in the case of David Ozora's persecution at the South Jakarta District Court, Tuesday, June 13. (Rizky A-VOI)

Polda Metro Jaya has named Mario Dandy Satriyo as a suspect in the alleged molestation case. The victim, AG, is none other than his ex-girlfriend.

"Yes, he (Mario Dandy is a suspect)," said Director of General Criminal Investigation of the Metro Jaya Police, Kombes Hengki Haryadi, to reporters, Monday, July 3.

Mario Dandy was named a suspect based on sufficient evidence, one of which was digital evidence.

Then, from the results of the case title, the actions of Rafael Alun Trisambodo's son are considered to fulfill the criminal element.

The alleged molestation case originated from the report of the AG camp. The report was registered with the number LP/B/2445/V/2023/SPKT/Polda Metro Jaya, dated May 8.

In that case, Mario Dandy is suspected of violating Article 76D in conjunction with Article 81 and Article 76 E in conjunction with Article 82 of the Child Protection Law.

"Then yesterday the results of the case title, the investigative team stated that this had indeed occurred whether there had been a offense or a criminal act of obscenity as suspected," said Hengki.

As a reminder, Mario Dandy Satriyo is currently undergoing trial of the alleged severe assault case against David Ozora.

In that case, Mario Didakwa Article 355 Paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph 1 to 1 of the Criminal Code Subsidiary 353 paragraph 2 of the Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph 1 to 1 of the Criminal Code or to 2 Article 76 C in conjunction with Article 50 paragraph 2 of Law No. 35 of 2014 concerning amendments to Law No. 23 of 2002 concerning Child Protection in conjunction with Article 55 Paragraph 1 to 1 of the Criminal Code

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