Alcohol Sick Man Harasses Two Sisters In Kendari, Threatened With 15 Years In Prison
Photo: Antara

JAKARTA - The Kendari City Police (Polresta), Polda Southeast Sulawesi (Sultra) stated that a man in the area was threatened with 15 years in prison for allegedly committing immoral acts against two women who are brothers and sisters.

Kendari Deputy Chief of Police AKBP Saiful Mustofa, in Kendari, Wednesday, June 28, said the suspect with the initials DD (24) was arrested by the Kendari Police Buser 77 Team after being suspected of committing immoral acts against two of the victims who were brothers and sisters.

"The suspect was charged with Article 81 of the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 17 of 2016 concerning the Second Amendment to Law Number 23 of 2002 concerning Child Protection into law, with a threat of 15 years in prison," he said, as quoted by Antara, June 29.

He revealed that the victims had the initials B (18) and F (16) who were brothers and sisters. Both are suspected of having received indecent acts from the suspect after being forced to consume alcoholic beverages.

"We have secured the suspect in the Anduonohu area, Poasia, Kendari City with the alleged immoral act against the two victims being brothers," said the Deputy Chief of Police.

Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Kendari Police, AKP Fitrayadi, explained that the suspects and victims who knew each other entered a hotel in the Anduonohu area.

Then, when the suspect and the two victims were already in the hotel. The victim asked the suspect to buy food, but when he bought food, the suspect also bought a bottle of alcoholic beverages.

"After eating, the two victims were forced to consume alcoholic beverages, making them unconscious. Finally, sexual violence occurred against the two victims," he also said.

He revealed that the suspect and the two victims still had a family relationship. When forced to consume alcoholic beverages, the two victims refused but were forced by the suspect.

"The victim's parents reported it to us, then we immediately arrested the suspect," said Fitrayadi.

Fitrayadi added that the suspect was secured by the Buru Sergap (Buser) 77 Polresta Kendari Team on Jalan Badak, Rahandouna Village, Poasia District, Kendari City, Monday (26/6) at around 23.45 WITA.

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