The Head Of The Ponpes In Serang Cabuli 5 Santriwati, Successfully Arrested At The House Of First Wife
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SERANG - It was reported that he had sexually abused his underage student, MJ (60), the head of the Islamic boarding school (ponpes) in Tanara District, Serang Regency, and was arrested by the Serang Police Satreskrim officers.

MJ was secured by personnel from the Women and Children Protection Unit (PPA) at his first wife's house in Tenjoayu Village, Tanara District on Tuesday, February 14.

When confirmed Kasiumas Serang Police Iptu Dedi Jumhaedi confirmed the incident.

"That's right, MJ, who is the head of the Islamic boarding school, was secured by PPA Unit officers after being reported for allegedly molesting several female students," said Dedi in a written statement, Monday, February 20.

Dedi explained that from the reports received by the PPA Unit Personnel, there were 5 female students who were victims of abuse by this boarding school leader. The cases of sexual abuse experienced by 5 female students occurred from March to December 2022.

"The victims admitted that they were molested at the suspect's boarding school and some were kept at the hotel," explained Kasihumas.

The discovery of an immoral crime case began when the victims told each other what MJ had done. It turned out that the chat of the victims was heard by a community leader who happened to be passing by.

"After hearing of immoral acts, this community leader then informed the victim's family. After being confirmed by the victim, it was then reported to P2TP2A Tanara District and then reported to the PPA Unit," he explained.

After receiving reports of allegations of immoral acts, the PPA Unit personnel then carried out a post-mortem. From the post-mortem results, two victims were found to have torn off the hymen due to blunt object penetration.

"Based on the results of the post-mortem, the personnel of the PPA Unit led by Ipda Wawan immediately moved to make arrests. The suspect MJ was secured at his wife's house at around 11.00," explained Dedi.

From the results of the examination, continued Dedi, the suspect admitted his actions with the motive of not being able to withstand lust. The mode itself is to lure the victims to be made adopted children.

"For his actions, suspect MJ was charged with Article 82 Paragraph 1 of Law Number 17 of 2016 concerning child protection," he said.

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