Responding To The Case Of Young Women Candidate 17 Children, This Is A Request From The Ministry Of Law And Human Rights To The Mayor Of Jambi
Illustration of sexual violence to sexual abuse. (Pixabay)

JAKARTA - The National Legal Development Agency (BPHN) of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kemenkumham) has spoken out over the molestation case of a young woman against 17 children in Jambi Province.

Head of BPHN Kemenkumham Widodo Ekatjahjana encourages regional heads of government to the village and village levels to actively prevent sexual violence that has an extraordinary impact on victims, including children.

"BPHN asks regional heads [Mayor of Jambi City] and village heads to continue to promote the movement of Family Awareness of Law (Kadarkum) and Village/Kelurahan Aware of Law," Widodo said in a written statement, Thursday, February 9, as reported by Antara.

Widodo said the state must be present to ensure guarantees of protection. Every child has the right to survival, growth and development, including protection from violence and discrimination.

This is mandated in Article 28 B Paragraph (2) of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia. This legal policy for the protection of children is then implemented into laws and regulations, one of which is Law Number 12 of 2022 concerning the Crime of Sexual Violence (TPKS Law).

"The TPKS Law mandates Implementing Regulations. Five government regulations and four presidential regulations are contained in Presidential Decree No. 26 of 2022 concerning the Program for the Preparation of Presidential Regulations in 2023," he explained.

Not only that, including Presidential Decree Number 25 of 2022 concerning the Program for the Preparation of Government Regulations in 2022 concerning the Crime of Sexual Violence.

Widodo explained that the Implementation Regulation of the TPKS Law which is being drafted this year is related to the protection of sexual violence against children. A total of three government regulations and five Presidential Regulations.

In detail, the draft government regulation on the prevention of criminal acts of sexual violence as well as the handling, protection and recovery of victims of sexual violence. Second, the draft government regulation on coordination and monitoring of the implementation of prevention and handling of criminal acts of sexual violence.

Next, the draft on the president's regulation on the implementation of integrated services to protect women and children at the center, the draft presidential regulation on the technical implementation unit for the protection of women and children.

Fifth, the draft presidential regulation on roadmaps for child protection in the realm of network, draft government regulations on aid funds for victims of sexual violence. Seventh, the draft presidential regulation on the national policy of eradicating the crime of sexual violence.

Finally, the draft presidential regulation on the implementation of integrated education and training for law enforcement officers, and government service personnel, service personnel at community-based service providers.

All of these regulations, continued Widodo, will provide comprehensive arrangements to optimize the role of the government in preventing, handling, protecting and recovering TPKS victims.

Currently, the draft regulation is being drafted by the Ministry of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection. BPHN will encourage and oversee the draft government regulations and draft presidential regulations so that they are immediately stipulated this year.

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