Often Give Opinion Money, 2 Girls Arebulged By Their Neighbors In Kebon Jeruk
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JAKARTA - A middle-aged man with the initials JI (45) has the heart to molest two underage girls of his own neighbor. The act of obscenity was carried out by the perpetrators in the Pesing Garden area, Kebon Jeruk, West Jakarta.

Kebon Jeruk Police Chief Kompol Fatimah said the perpetrators of the molestation were arrested by members of the Kebon Jeruk Police.

"We have arrested the perpetrator, allegedly committing obscene acts against underage girls," said Kompol Fatimah when confirmed, Wednesday, January 18, evening.

From the results of the investigation, the perpetrators were neighbors of the victims. In the action, the perpetrator often lures his victims with pocket money.

After being given pocket money, the perpetrator asked the victim to play and held the victim's body.

"There are 2 female victims of underage children who are victims of obscene acts against the perpetrators," he said.

The obscenity incident occurred when the parents of one of the victims washed their child and complained of pain in the genital area.

"The victim complained of illness in the sensitive area, then the victim's parents asked her daughter. The victim replied that she had become a victim of obscene acts by the perpetrator," he said.

Hearing his son's confession, the victim's parents then reported it to the RT and then coordinated with the Kebon Jeruk Police.

"The perpetrator is subject to Article 82 of UURI No. 35 of 2014 concerning Amendments to UURI Mo. 23 of 2002. Regarding Child Protection," he said.

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