Mother In Cilincing Is Sad, Her Child Is Molested But Doesn't Know Who Did It Because The Child Doesn't Speak Fluently
The mother of a toddler who is a victim of sexual abuse in Cilincing, North Jakarta/Photo: SPC

JAKARTA - A mother with the initials FD came to the North Jakarta Metro Police to report a case of alleged sexual abuse of her child under five years old (toddler). It's a shame that FD doesn't know who is suspected of committing sexual abuse against his child. Because FD's child with the initials AN, is still 3 years old, cannot speak yet.

According to the information obtained, FD said that the abuse was carried out by the perpetrator in a flat in the Cilincing area, North Jakarta, Thursday, January 12. FD went to the police at night after he noticed something unusual about his daughter.

"The case has been reported to the North Jakarta Police. I reported it at 12 at night. I'm asking for a visum. So at first, I asked for a report, then reported it to the police," said FD when confirmed, Tuesday, January 17.

FD told, at first when the baby complained of pain. Even though she was silent for a while, FD finally found out when she was washing her child.

"I'm not aware, I think the result of wearing tight pants. I take a bath, after I take a bath I check her genitals. I saw that her genitals had a different shape, swollen. At home complaining of pain in the genitals," she said.

When asked who the perpetrators were suspected of carrying out this heinous act, FD did not know because her toddler could not speak much.

“Who did it? She said uncle, an old man, he has a mustache and teeth. In the forest, she said this, 'ordered by uncle'. The perpetrators don't know yet," said FD.

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