Police Duga Pria Bertato Empat Yang Dies Di Cengkareng Adalah Korban Pengeroyokan
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JAKARTA - The Cengkareng Police are still waiting for the autopsy results of the body of a man with a plant with a drug motif who was found dead on an empty land in West One City, Duri Kosambi, Cengkareng District, West Jakarta.

The police suspect that the victim died because he was murdered rose because he found signs of violence on the victim's body from the results of the identification of the body.

"Yes, the suspicion (was killed)," said Cengkareng Police Chief Kompol Ardhie Demastyo, Tuesday, December 27.

Until now, the Cengkareng Police are still investigating and gathering a number of witnesses for questioning regarding the discovery of the body.

"Still being investigated, whether (the victim) was fighting or being beaten," he said.

Previously, it was reported that a man with planty tattoos on his back was found dead on an empty land of West One City, Duri Kosambi, Cengkareng District, West Jakarta.

From the results of the crime scene (TKP), the victim did not have an identity.

The Head of Cengkareng Police, Kompol Ardhie Demastyo, said that after receiving the report from the RT/RW, he then conducted a crime scene investigation.

"There is no identity of the victim, the residents around tkp do not know the victim. When viewed from the corpse, we found that there was blood near the forehead and back there were traces of dragging, bruises," said Kompol Ardhie when contacted, Monday, December 26.

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