Allegedly After Drinking Hypertension, A 46-year-old Man Died With His Mouth And Full Nose
Police and medical officers repatriated the victim's body to the family/ Photo: Doc. Cilegon Police - Banten Police

Cilegon Police Satreskrim held a crime scene (TKP) where a body was found at a rented house on Jalan Lingkungan Jombang Masjid, Jombang District, Cilegon City.

Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Cilegon Police, AKP Mochmad Nandar, explained that the victim with the initials KT (46) was registered as a resident of Kampung 001/017, Mandalasari Village, Kadungora District, Garut Regency, West Java.

"The incident was discovered by the witness SM (45), a neighbor of the victim at around 08.00. SM, looking at the victim's rented house in a slightly closed state with a lock hanging. However, the lock did not lock. Then SM entered the rented house and at that time he saw the victim was already in a state of stiffness. explained Nandar in a written statement, Tuesday, December 20.

Knowing that a body was in the house, Nandar continued, the witness reported to the head of the RT and Cilegon Police. After receiving the report, they immediately went to the location where the body was found with the Cilegon Police Satreskrim Identification Unit, Banten Police.

"After checking the victim's body and around the scene of the incident, the white lump on the victim's nose was foam that had dried up. Near the victim found various brands of drugs and herbal medicine left over from drinking. Information from witnesses and friends of the victim, the victim had a history of hypertension. There were no signs of violence," explained Nandar.

Nandar also said that his party had handed over the victim to the family. The victim's body was immediately buried, because the family refused an autopsy.

"Tuesday (December 20) at around two o'clock in the afternoon, they have returned the body to the deceased's family. They accepted the death of the deceased and refused to do an autopsy." concluded Nandar.

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