Anies Loses G Island Lawsuit, DPRD Talks About The Continuation Of Ancol Reclamation
The Governor of DKI Jakarta, Anies Baswedan. (Photo: BNPB)

JAKARTA - DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan lost the claim against the reclamation of Pulau G on the coast of Jakarta with developer PT Muara Wisesa Samudera in. The Supreme Court issued a decision requiring Anies to extend the reclamation permit of Pulau G.

DKI DPRD Commission B member, Farazandi Fidinansyah, asked Anies to immediately extend the permit for the development of G Island reclamation because there is a legal basis that strengthens this.

"Regarding the reclamation of Pulau G. Whatever the decision of the Supreme Court, of course it is an obligation for the provincial government to follow because the decision has legal provisions," Farazandi told reporters, Sunday, December 13.

Farazandi said, there would be new questions and polemics later if the legal provisions were not implemented. Because, at the same time, Anies is planning reclamation on Ancol beach.

Farazandi asked Anies to explain in detail the background, process, and objectives of Ancol's reclamation which had stalled because there was no definite legal basis yet.

"I think Pak Anies' spirit of Ancol beach reclamation should be explained to his supporters, because this is a political decision, of course it will have a big impact in the future. Don't forget the promises that were spoken," he said.

For information, the permit for the extension of the Ancol area was stipulated in the Decree of the Governor of DKI Jakarta Number 237 of 2020 on February 24, 2020. The details are the permit for the expansion of the recreation area covering an area of 35 hectares for Dunia Fantasi (Dufan) recreation and 120 hectares for land expansion in the East Ancol area.

However, the Head of the Regional Regulation Formation Agency (Bapemperda) of the DKI Jakarta DPRD Pantas Nainggolan said that the reclamation project in Ancol, North Jakarta could not be continued until the regional regulations (perda) regarding detailed spatial planning (RDTR) and zoning plans were passed.

Until finally, the DPRD has received proposals for revisions to the RDTR and Zoning Regulations. Changes in the revised draft perda include a legal basis for Ancol reclamation.

"The DPRD has just received the proposed revision of the RDTR & Zoning Regional Regulation which includes a map of the expansion of the Ancol area. We invite Jakarta residents to participate in monitoring the revision of this Perda which we think seems rushed at the end of the year," said Farazandi.

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