Putri Chandrawathi And ART Susi Diperiksa Using Lie Detector
Ferdy Sambo and his wife, Putri Candrawati, underwent the reconstruction process for the murder of Brigadier J at the Duren Tiga official residence, Tuesday (30/8). (Antara/Asprilla Dwi Adha)

JAKARTA - Putri Chandrawathi will be questioned by the special team (timsus) of the National Police as a suspect in the premeditated murder case against Brigadier J. The examination of Inspector General Ferdy Sambo's wife using alie detector.

"That's right, PCs were checked today," said Director of General Crimes at the National Police Criminal Investigation Agency Brigadier General Andi Rian Djajadi to VOI, Tuesday, September 6.

Not only Putri, in today's series of examinations, the team investigators will also examine Susi. She is a household assistant (ART) of Putri Chandrawathi and Ferdy Sambo.

"(Checked, red) PC and witness Susi," he said.

Both were questioned at the National Police Laboratory (Puslabfor), Sentul, West Java. However, it was not detailed about the time of the polygrph test.

"Pemeriksaan di Puslabfor," kata Andi.

Meanwhile, the polygrph test was carried out as one of the requirements to complete the case file which had been declared incomplete by the research prosecutor of the Attorney General's Office (AGO).

Bahkan, untuk para tersangka lainnya seperti Tekut Maruf, Bharada Richard problem, dan Bripka Ricky Rizal, sudah menjalani uji polygrph tersebut.

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