PAN Legislator Forces National Police Chief To Answer The Chronology Of 'Harassing Family Dignity' In Magelang, What's General Sigit's Response?
The atmosphere of the Commission III RDP and the National Police Headquarters (Photo by DPR's Special Doc)

JAKARTA - Member of Commission III of the DPR from the PAN faction, Syarifuddin Sudding, forced the National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo to reveal the motive of the former Head of the National Police Propam Division Inspector General Ferdy Sambo to kill Brigadier Nopryansah Yosua Hutabarat or Brigadier J. Sudding to ask the National Police Chief whether it was true because Brigadier J 'harassed the dignity of the family' in Magelang by touching his wife. According to Sudding, the National Police Chief cannot just say the motive will be presented in the trial because the issue has been growing wildly in the community. "I will confirm that the Chief of the National Police is right or not about this motive," said Sudding during the RDP with the National Police Chief, Wednesday, August 24. Sudding then explained that from various sources he formulated the incident in Magelang on July 2nd. The first group left for Magelang, namely Putri Chandrawati (PC), Brigadier J, Brigadier R, Bharada E, and Kuwat Ma'ruf (KM) including a household assistant named Susi. Where their goal is to see FS and PC children who are currently studying in Magelang. The group, he continued, lived in a house in Magelang. A small 2-story house and all the activities of the house can be seen. Then on July 4, there was an incident where Putri Chandrawati was sleeping on the sofa and Brigadier J carried Ferdy Sambo's wife to her room. Seeing the incident, KM snapped at Brigadier J and advised Putri to complain to Ferdy Sambo. Ferdy was emotional and Putri promised to tell the story when she arrived in Jakarta. Arriving in Jakarta in Saguling, said Sudding, Ferdy Sambo was furious, lost his mind as a two star, out of reason, Brigadier J was invited to Duren Tiga and this murder took place. After feeling the dignity of his honor and pride as a husband, he was abused in such a way. "That night Sambo reported the incident in Duren Tiga. At this point I want to confirm whether this chronology is true or not? criminal law. Can I directly confirm whether this incident is true or not?" asked Sudding. Hearing Sudding's question, the chairman of the meeting, Bambang Wuryanto, then gave a briefing. "If you ask the partners through here, sir. So this is it, sir, you can't deposit it first because it's not a special committee," he said. "No, this leader will have further questions, after they are answered," continued Sudding. "How do you want to answer the Chief of Police or not?" Bambang asked the National Police Chief.

Because of this pressure, the National Police Chief Listyo Sigit finally answered the question of the motive for the murder. However, he did not explain clearly. He only confirmed the chronology presented by Sudding according to Ferdy Sambo's version. The National Police Chief said that he would first confirm to PC, which has now been designated as a suspect related to the events in Magelang. If it is confirmed, then it will convey the motive to the public. "Good leadership, I will answer some of the submissions from Mr. Sudding. From what he conveyed, there are many things that are indeed appropriate, sir, but we ask for permission regarding this motive, we have temporarily received information from the FS brother," explained the National Police Chief. "However, we also want to make sure once again to check PC's mother, so that later what we can find is whether her position as a suspect has changed or not. Thus we get a circle regarding the issue of motive," he added.

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