Forensic Team Promises Independent Results, Chair: No Deposit Or Any Intervention
Brigadier J's funeral in Jambi/DOK ANTARA

JAKARTA - General Chairperson of the Indonesian Forensic Doctors Association, Ade Firmansyah Sugiharto, has confirmed that the autopsy process for Brigadier J will be carried out independently. Doctors who are deployed have qualified expertise in the autopsy process.

"We are here to work independently and partially. We are also aware that the Indonesian Forensic Doctors Association, forensic doctors wherever we are will definitely act independently and partially because we also have ethical guidelines, are aware of discipline and maintain competence every five years. anything or intervene," he explained to reporters, Wednesday, July 27.

Ade added that all required samples have been collected and will be taken to Jakarta for microscopic examination at the Anatomic Pathology Laboratory of Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital (RSCM).

"It will take time. Why? Because we believe that the wound has actually occurred, of course it really is in the form of a wound, we must also make sure, whether the wound occurred before death or after death," he explained.

Ade said that his party was very careful in the autopsy process. The wounds on Brigadier J's body must be ascertained whether received after or before death. Including received at the time of decomposition of the corpse.

"We have to confirm this through microscopic examination. Now it all takes time, so please pray that in the not too distant future we can compile the report and later we will convey this report to investigators so that investigators can also make light of this case," said Ade.

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