Family Asks Brigadier J To Be Buried Officially After The Re-autopsy Process Is Complete
The family at the burial site of Brigadier J alias Nofriansyah Yoshua Hutabarat before the demolition process for a re-autopsy on Wednesday 27 July morning. (Between)

JAKARTA - The family of Nopryansah Yosua Hutabarat alias Brigadier J asked the National Police to hold an honorable or official funeral procession after the re-autopsy process. Because Brigadier J is a member of the Bhayangkara Corps.

"The family asked the police, represented by the Head of the Public Relations Division of the Police, the Dirtipidum of the National Police Headquarters, and the Kapolda and his staff to honorably bury Brigadier J's body", said Brigadier J's family lawyer, Johnson Panjaitan in a statement, Wednesday, July 27.

The official funeral request was intended as last respect. Moreover, at the previous funeral, there was also no official funeral procession.

However, until now, Johnson said that the National Police had not been able to confirm that the funeral procession for Brigadier J would be official.

"Because until now it is not clear whether the funeral ceremony will be carried out by the Police", said Johnson.

For information, the Police carried out an exhumation and re-autopsy on Brigadier J's body. This was done because there was a request from the family who believed that there was an element of premeditated murder behind the case.

The autopsy process on Brigadier J's body will be carried out at the Sungai Bahar Regional General Hospital (RSUD), Muaro Jambi.

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