Grateful Face Mathrid Sukmono, Youngest Hajj Pilgrim From Gorontalo: Saving Since The Age Of 12, Finally...
Mathrid Sukmono Poetra (22), the youngest pilgrim candidate from Gorontalo Province, while at the Hajj Dormitory of Gorontalo City. (AMONG/)

GORONTALO - The youngest hajj candidate from Gorontalo Province, Mathrid Sukmono Poetra (22), has been saving since the age of 12 to be able to perform the pilgrimage to the Holy Land.

Mathrid is grateful that this year he can go to the Holy Land to perform the pilgrimage.

"I am very happy," he said at the Gorontalo Hajj Dormitory, Antara, Tuesday, June 28.

Mathrid, who is now studying at a university, since the age of 12, set aside some of the money he earned from working at a cell phone kiosk for Hajj savings.

With his savings and additional funds from his parents, he was able to register for Hajj and had the opportunity to go to the Holy Land during the 2022 hajj pilgrimage.

Mathrid will go to the Holy Land with the congregation who are members of the flying group (kloter) 14 Embarkation Ujung Pandang (Makassar), which consists of 393 people.

The congregants of the 14th Embarkation of Ujung Pandang, which included 156 hajj candidates from Gorontalo City, 185 hajj candidates from Gorontalo Regency, 19 hajj candidates from Boalemo Regency, and 29 candidates from Gorontalo Regency as well as hajj officers departed for the embarkation area on Tuesday.

According to the Head of the Regional Office of the Ministry of Religion of Gorontalo, Syafrudin Baderung, the congregation of the 14th Embarkation in Ujung Pandang departed from Djalaludin Airport in Gorontalo using a Lion Air flight on a flight at 04.50 WITA and at 05.10 WITA to Makassar Sultan Hasanuddin International Airport.

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