'Stop' For A Week In Paris To Meet Louis Vuitton Officials, Gibran Rakabuming Admits Solo Batik Lyric Designer
Solo Mayor Gibran Rakabuming Raka gave a statement to reporters in Solo/ANTARA

SOLO - Solo Mayor Gibran Rakabuming Raka introduced Solo batik to well-known French brand Louis Vuitton.

"What is clear is that they also have a mall network," he said in Solo, Central Java, Antara, Monday, June 13.

Gibran, who has just finished an official trip in France for one week, said he had met with high-ranking Louis Vuitton officials and introduced batik products.

On that occasion, he met and discussed directly with LVMH's Secretaire General Marc Antoine Jamet.

Marc Antoine Jamet is general secretary of multinational companies that oversee premium product brands such as Louis Vuitton, Dior, Fendi and Bvlgari.

"Later, as the collaboration progresses, it is clear that many designers are willing to export batik from us," he said.

He said that during his official trip, which was to organize an exhibition of MSMEs in collaboration with the Indonesian Embassy in France and the Shopee company, not only original Solo products were brought, but also several superior products from a number of regions in Indonesia. He brought several products from Bandung, Yogyakarta, and Bali.

"Besides batik, there are handicrafts, rattan, leather crafts, and other knick-knacks. Some of the products have been seen by Mr. Sandi (Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy Sandiaga Uno) during a visit to Solo some time ago," he said.

Meanwhile, he admitted, so far the response from Parisians, both Indonesian citizens and the local community, and tourists from various countries who happened to be traveling in Paris was very good.

"It's good, it's crowded, many can be adopted for the City of Solo. Later on, just walk," said Gibran.

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