Sadistic Robbers In Kemayoran, 20-year-old Man Slashes Face With Sickle Until His Cheek Is Torn
Chandra, a victim of a motorbike robbery in Kemayoran whose cheek was hit by a sickle/ Photo: IST

JAKARTA - Chandra Hermawan (20) suffered a laceration to his left cheek after being struck by a sickle by a gang of motorbike thieves on Jalan Angkasa, Gunung Sahari Selatan Village, Kemayoran, Central Jakarta, Friday, May 27.

In addition to suffering injuries, Chandra was also forced to lose his motorbike due to being taken away by the gang of street criminals.

Based on Chandra's statement, the burglary happened to him on Friday, May 27, at dawn.

"The incident happened on Jalan Angkasa, opposite the police dormitory," the victim told reporters, Friday, May 27.

Chandra explained that the incident began when he and one of his colleagues were crossing the Angkasa road. At that time he was already suspicious of the three people who had been following from Jalan Industri.

"At that time I was pushing a friend's motorbike by tapping (pushing with my feet), so right on Jalan Angkasa in front of the dormitory the perpetrators immediately attacked me by wanting to kick but not getting hit," he said.

The perpetrator then shouted at the victim until the victim was scared and fell. When the victim was about to save his motorbike, three of the perpetrators immediately attacked him with sickles.

"I was immediately slashed with a cigar. My other friend ran away, not knowing where to go," he said.

When confirmed, the Head of the Kemayoran Police, Kompol Ardiansyah, confirmed that there had been a robbery incident in his area. The police are still examining two witnesses.

"We have just examined two witnesses, one of whom is a friend of the victim who was at the location," he told reporters, Friday, May 27.

In addition to examining witnesses, the police will continue to search for other evidence by checking CCTV camera footage around the scene.

"We will also carry out CCTV checks at the scene. The case is still being investigated," he said.

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