Ma'ruf Amin Admires Bukit Menoreh DIY Area
Vice President Ma'ruf Amin poses with his wife Wury Ma'ruf Amin with Menoreh Hill in the background at the Balkondes PGN Karangrejo, Magelang, Central Java, Thursday (21/4/2022). ANTARA/Rangga Pandu Asmara Orange

MAGELANG - Vice President, KH Ma'ruf Amin, admired the beauty of the Bukit Menoreh tourist area located in Kulon Progo, DIY, which also supports the Borobudur Temple Tourism Park in Magelang, Central Java.

While visiting the Balkondes of PGN Karangrejo, in Magelang, Ma'riuf and his wife, Wury MA'ruf Amin, witnessed the beauty and splendor of Menoreh Hill from the Balkondes area.

"I (have) heard of Menoreh Hill, it turned out to be this hill. The first one was the silat (story) of Fire on Menoreh Hill," said the Vice President, quoted by Antara, Thursday, April 21.

The vice president was very enthusiastic about listening to the explanation of the Head of Karangrejo Village, Hely Rofikun, about the tourist destinations of Menoreh Hill, ranging from road access to Menoreh Hill to the impact of local tourist areas on the increase in residents' land prices.

He explained that 6-7 years ago his village was known as a poor village that was not taken into account. That has changed since Menoreh Hill turned into a tourist destination.

"In the past, our residents went to the rice fields to see the view of Menoreh Hills like this, it was normal. But so many people came here saying 'wow, this is really good', so we just 'geeked out' that our villages have extraordinary potential," he said to Ma'ruf Amin.

Regarding Menoreh Hill tourism, Rofikun explained that tourists can see the Sunrise Heaven of Punthuk Setumbu from the top of the hill, namely the view of the sunrise from two mountains, namely Mount Merbabu and Mount Merapi, where the first rays of light hit Borobudur Temple.

From the top of Menoreh Hill, tourists can see Borobudur really above the clouds. "In 2018 domestic tourist visits reached 150,000 people," he said.

Rofikun said that now his village residents are very enthusiastic about developing the tourism sector, while maintaining the customs of the local community. Thanks to the increase in the tourism sector, many of the villagers are now receiving undergraduate education.

Responding to this, the Vice President said that all regions in Indonesia could become tourist destinations that could be developed. He hopes that the tourist area on Menoreh Hill, including the Borobudur Temple Tourism Park and its surroundings, can continue to develop.

"So the arrangement of Borobudur is to leverage the community's economy, that's what's important. Actually, Indonesia is all tourist destinations, everywhere is beautiful, it's just not well-organized. So the campaign must continue," said Ma'ruf.

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