The West Java High Prosecutor's Office (Kejati) is starting to investigate cases of alleged corruption in the use of land for social facilities (fasos) and public facilities (fasum) involving the Bekasi Regency Government (Pemkab) with property developers and industrial estates.
Head of the Legal Information Section of the West Java Prosecutor's Office, Nur Sri Cahya Wijaya, stated that the decision to increase the status of the investigation to the investigation of the case was based on the results of the development carried out by the investigative team.
"Currently, the status has been investigated for those in Bekasi Regency. We are waiting for the progress to be informed later," he said, Tuesday, February 4, which was confiscated by Antara.
At this stage, he admitted that a number of related parties had been summoned by the investigative team for questioning regarding the case, both businessmen and individuals from the local government apparatus.
"Last week there were four people who had been examined, (without mentioning names) they had been questioned," he said.
He said the investigation process would continue with the summons of related parties as well as the efforts and strategies of the investigative team to make this case clear.
This case stems from reports from elements of society who complained about alleged corruption related to the revision of the master plan for spatial planning from one of the property development companies and industrial estates in the Bekasi Regency area.
The report included the approval between the businessman and the head of the service at that time through a letter numbered 653/10/DPUPR'PR/MP/I/2020 dated January 28, 2020, containing an allocation to replace 40 hectares of land for the campus allocation facilities affected by the high-speed train route.
The official document in question answers the previous employer's request as stated in letter number: 129/PDM/PRM/XI/19 dated November 13, 2019 signed by the developer.
A year later, the same entrepreneur again submitted a request for a revision of the master plan for spatial planning which was then approved again by the acting head of the relevant agencies through a letter numbered: 653/012/DCKTR-PTR/MP/2021 May 2021.
West Java Prosecutor's Office investigators suspect that there has been an unlawful act that resulted in personal and corporate benefits considering that the local government did not accept the replacement land which became the right when approving the two requests for a revision of the spatial layout even though the designation zone had changed.
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