Haris Azhar Brings Civil Society Coalition, Police Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan
Director of Lokataru Haris Azhar and civil society coalition visit Polda Metro Jaya/PHOTO: Rizky Adytia-VOI

JAKARTA - Director of Lokataru Haris Azhar and a coalition of civil society visited the Polda Metro Jaya. They reported to the Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan regarding allegations of economic crimes in Intan Jaya Papua.

"(Reporting, ed) On behalf of LBP and also various people involved in this alleged conflict of interest, including corporate entities," said Head of the Legal Division of KontraS Andi Muhammad Rezaldy to reporters, Wednesday, March 23.

In this report, a number of pieces of evidence are included. For example, a document in the form of research on the alleged economic crime.

"We already have various evidences and various documents which later became the material or basis for our report," he said.

Rezaldy explained the reason for the reporting was carried out at the Polda Metro Jaya. According to him, although most of these problems are located in Papua, some are in the Jakarta area.

"Regarding the reporting that we have submitted, it is not only limited to the Papua region but also to the Jakarta area as an Indonesian territory," said Rezaldy.

As previously reported, Haris Azhar will report back to Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan. The report follows the determination of the suspect Haris Azhar in the alleged defamation case.

"So we will report back, even though legally this is not a complaint offense," said Haris Azhar's lawyer, Nurkholis Hidayat.

However, the context of the back-reporting was not detailed. Nurkholis only stated that during the investigation process, his client had presented all the information regarding the existence of economic crimes that could be the basis for his counter-reporting.

"During the examination process as a witness Haris has conveyed information regarding the alleged economic crimes that occurred in Intan Jaya," said Nurkholis.

"Well, police investigators or other law enforcement agencies should have followed up," he continued.

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