Tambora Fire Victims Get Fast Food Assistance From Police
Tambora Police Chief Kompol Faruk Rozi provides food and drink assistance for fire victims/ Photo: IST

JAKARTA - Around 100 fire victims, residents of Jalan Kali Anyar III, Kali Anyar Village, Tambora Subdistrict, began to receive food and mineral water assistance from the Tambora Police.

Fire victims were given 25 boxes of instant noodles and 24 boxes of mineral water after the fire occurred on Monday, January 31, morning.

Tambora Police Chief Kompol Faruk Rozi said this assistance was a program from the caring police. The goal is that the fire victims are not confused about finding food because the police have prepared them.

"We handed it over directly to the chairman of RT 7 RW 1, Kalianyar, and LMK of Kalianyar Village," said the police chief when contacted by VOI, Monday, January 31.

His party will continue to coordinate with RT and RW apparatus to meet the needs of fire victims while in refugee camps.

Later, the Three Pillars of Tambora Sub-district will synergize with the Social Service in distributing aid.

"We will also coordinate with the Three Pillars, BNPB and Social Services to continue to provide assistance to residents affected by the fire," he said.

He hopes that this aid can be distributed properly to the fire victims on Jalan Kali Anyar 3. So that the residents there are not hungry and all their needs can be met.

"Hopefully what we distribute is of particular benefit to the affected people," he said.

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