Central Lampung Regent's Response To The Rp2.1 Billion DAK Fee Managed By People Close To Azis
Trial of Aziz Syamsuddin/ Antara

JAKARTA - Former Central Lampung Regent Mustafa is said to be disappointed with the high price "fee" for the administration of the Central Lampung Special Allocation Fund (DAK) from the Revised State Budget for the 2017 Fiscal Year, which is up to Rp. 2.1 billion for the disbursement of the Rp. 25 billion budget.

"The regent's response at that time was, 'It's too big,' so the gift was considered too big and the two were disappointed because they only got Rp. 25 billion in DAK," said former Head of the Central Lampung Highways Office, Taufik Rahman at the Corruption Court (Tipikor) Jakarta, Monday. 27 December.

Taufik Rahman is a witness for the defendant, former Deputy Speaker of the Indonesian House of Representatives Muhammad Azis Syamsuddin, who was charged with giving bribes worth Rp. 3.099 billion and US$36 thousand for a total of around Rp. 3.619 billion to Stepanus Robin Pattuju and advocate Maskur Husain related to the KPK investigation in Central Lampung.

According to Taufik, the money was given by two parties claiming to be confidants of the former deputy chairman of the DPR RI from the Golkar Party faction, Azis Syamsuddin, namely Aliza Gunado and Edi Sujarwo.

"The Regent's statement, Mr. Azis, is the chairman of Bangar from Lampung, hopefully he can help with the DAK earlier," said Taufik.

Taufik himself met with Azis Syamsuddin at Azis' office in the DPR Building on July 21, 2021.

"So Friday, July 21, 2017 in the living room of the DPR building, we met Mr. Azis brought by Mr. Jarwo. We were introduced 'this is from Central Lampung, take care of DAK'. Then Mr. Azis took out a small note from his pocket, he said 'Ooh Central Lampung, yes there is DAK Rp25 billion'. Even though I got an idea from Aliza that initially it was Rp.99 billion, so I asked 'Can't you add it, sir?' Then they answered 'no, this is final', then we were left because Mr. Azis had a meeting," explained Taufik.

Because it was confirmed that the 2017 Central Lampung APBNP DAK that would be disbursed was Rp. 25 billion, Taufik was asked to pay the "fee".

"Pak Jarwo and Aliza reminded the commitment of IDR 2.1 billion after the DAK came out. Because the time was tight, we borrowed it, the first day we could give IDR 1.1 billion and the next day IDR 850 million," said Taufik.

In details, the owner of CV Tetayan Consultant, namely Darius Hartawan, provided a loan of Rp. 500 million and Rp. 600 million from the staff, then handed it over on Saturday, July 22, 2021, by Taufik's staff, Nowo, to Aliza and Jarwo at the Veranda Hotel.

Furthermore, on July 23, 2021, another Rp. 950 million was given from two people in Bina Marga.

Taufik received a report that Aliza and Jarwo had handed over the money to Vio, who was referred to as Azis Syamsuddin's younger brother at the Vios Café.

Taufik said Jarwo was still asking for IDR 200 million for the 2018 DAK administration and IDR 100 million as operational money.

"Initially, I thought that Rp. 200 million would not be too risky if it was lost, and when the DAK comes out, we will give it a commitment," said Taufik. This was reported by Antara.

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