The Prosecutor's Office Names 7 Suspects In The Mask Corruption Case At The Karangasem Bali Social Service

KANGASEM - Karangasem District Attorney's Office (Kejari) investigators, Bali, named 7 suspects in the alleged corruption case in the procurement of masks for the Karangasem Regency Social Service (Dinsos), Bali, worth IDR 2.9 billion in 2020.

The determination of the suspect is carried out after the investigator has examined witnesses as well as evidence such as documents and letters.

"The determination of the 7 suspects from the results of the witness examination against them, the investigator concluded that these 7 people have met 2 pieces of evidence to be designated as suspects," said Head of the Karangasem District Prosecutor's Office Aji Kalbu Pribadi through the Head of the Karangasem Kejari Intel I Dewa Gede Semara Putra, Wednesday, 24 November.

Semara Putra, explained that one suspect with the initials IGB was no longer actively serving in the Karangasem Social Service. While the rest are active Social Service employees, namely GS, IWB, INR, IKSA, NKS and IGPY. They have a role from the proposal to the process of procuring masks.

"This is all related starting before the process during and after the process of procuring masks at the Karangasem Social Service and all of them who signed the administration," said Semara Putra.

The seven suspects were immediately arrested. Meanwhile, the state loss calculated by investigators is around Rp. 2 billion.

"The loss from BPKP is still counting but we investigators have done a separate calculation, which is estimated to be more than Rp. 2 billion," he said.

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