Israel Announces Children Age 5-11 Years To Get COVID-19 Vaccine Soon
Illustration of a COVID-19 vaccination. (Wikimedia Commons/MDGovpics)

JAKARTA - Israeli authorities said on Sunday, children aged five to 11 years would be eligible for vaccination against COVID-19, and a campaign start date would be announced in a few days.

The decision, announced by the Ministry of Health, follows the approval of a panel of experts on vaccination last week, after the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA), granted emergency use of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine for age groups at a dose of 10 micrograms.

The original dose given to those 12 years and older was 30 micrograms. Pfizer/BioNTech said their vaccine showed 90.7 percent efficacy against the coronavirus in clinical trials of children aged 5 to 11 years.

In a statement, the ministry said the exact date for children aged five to 11 years to start receiving the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine would be set in a few days.

"The majority of experts on the committee are of the opinion that the benefits of vaccinating this age group outweigh any risks," the statement said.

To note, Israel's 9.4 million population is relatively young, with about 1.2 million children in the five to-11 age group. Health officials doubt the country can achieve 'herd immunity' unless children are vaccinated against COVID-19.

A poll in Israel last week showed that about 27 percent of parents would allow their children under the age of 12 to receive the COVID-19 vaccine, with 33 percent against and 40 percent undecided.

Four million Israelis have received a booster shot or third dose, which in August was approved for anyone who had had a second Pfizer shot at least five months earlier.

To note, adopting the "Living with COVID Strategy," the Israeli government is keeping schools and the economy open during the fourth wave of infections, while hoping to beat the pandemic with booster injections, mandatory wearing of masks, and the "Green Pass" digital certification system.

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