Kawasaki Officially Introduces 7 Hybrid Ninja In European Market
Ninja 7 Hybrid 2024. (Doc. Kawasaki Europe)

JAKARTA- Kawasaki officially presents a Hybrid Electric Vehicle (HEV), which is called Ninja 7 with a rich and sporty design.

Quoted from the official website of Kawasaki.ue, Sunday, October 8, this hybrid motorcycle is planned to be present in January 2024, as well as the full price announcement.

On this occasion, Kawasaki revealed the details of the specifications embedded in the Ninja 7 HEV. Both by design, electric motors to the power produced.


When viewed carefully from the existing picture, it is indeed thick with the design style offered by several Kawasaki motorbikes, namely dashing and sporty.

It can be seen from the presence of sharp headlights, side body curves, back and some pinned accents.


Entering deeper into the engine, the specifications of this hybrid motorcycle combine two-cylindrical 451cc machines with 12.1 dk electric motors. With a combination of the total power distributed, it reaches 69.1 dk. In fact, the manufacturer claims that this electric motor can produce instant power like a sports motorbike, however, Ninja 7 HEV remains fuel efficient.

The placement of the 48V lithium battery is also very closed, where it is in the middle covered with several layers of color, making it look dashing.


Interestingly, there are three driving modes, namely Sport-Hybrid, Eco-Hybrid, and EV. Especially EVs. And it can only be used using dynamo, but speed and distance are limited.

There is also a walk mode feature, which can make it easier for motorists to park back and forth. And there is an Automatic Launch Position Finder that installs the right teeth before launching and from a stationary position.

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