YOGYAKARTA Rules for writing children's names on population documents cannot be arbitrary. In fact, the regulation has been regulated in the Minister of Home Affairs Regulation (Permendagri) No. 73 of 2022 concerning Listing Names on Population Documents. In the Permendagri, it is stated that the writing of children's names must be in accordance with Indonesian principles. For more details, see the following explanation.
Please note, population documents are official documents, issued by the Regency/City Population and Civil Registration Service (Dukcapil). The document has legal force as an authentic evidence of the dukcapil registration service.
The names of children given by their parents will later be recorded in population documents including Family Cards (KK), Electronic Identity Cards (KTP-el), population certificates, and civil registration certificates.
In Permen No. 73, several articles explain how the rules for writing children's names are as follows.
Article 4 states that the listing of names in population documents must meet the requirements, namely as follows.
In this article, it is explained that the rules for recording names in population documents are as follows.
Procedures for listing names on population documents include
In this article, it is explained that several things should not be done in the writing of children's names, namely as follows.
This sanction is regulated in Article 7 paragraphs (1) and (2). In paragraph (1) it is explained that residents who give names that violate or do not comply with the provisions will not be issued.
In addition, administrative sanctions will also be given in the form of a written warning, as explained in paragraph (2).
That's information regarding the rules for writing children's names in population documents. Visit VOI.id to get other interesting information.
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