Wet Food Vs Dry Food, Which One Is Healthier For Anabul?
Illustration of a cat eating (Pexels/NastyaSensei)

JAKARTA - Food for anabul, namely cats and dogs, consists of two types, namely wet food (wet food) and dry food (dry food). Both types of food are good for anabul's health, but have congestion and lack of each other.

CPPETINDO's Scientific Communication Expert, drh. Neno Sukelan, said that dry food is more efficient for anabul because the water content is small and the nutrients are high, although only in small portions. However, dry food sometimes makes anabul less eager to eat.

On the other hand, wet food contains around 70 percent of water, so that the nutritional content is less than dry food. However, the water content can meet the needs of an anabul water so that it does not interfere with the function of the urinary tract and wet food has a more Appetizing fragrance.

Another aspect of wet food plus is the taste, which is more stable than dry food. Anabul's tendency is given to food wet, "said drh. Neno Sukelan, during the BOLT Media Gathering event, in the Kebayoran Baru area, South Jakarta, on Monday, January 13, 2025.

With the advantages and disadvantages of these two types of foods, it is recommended to provide anabul a mixture of wet food and dry food. By combining wet food and dry food, anabul nutrients will be fulfilled, as well as water needs.

"That's why it's recommended not to just dry or wet, but to mix. Anabul, who eats less and less good, may once be given a wet food or mixed with dry with wet food, in order to increase appetite. On the other hand, when mixed or given a wet, he drinks more, forgets more, the urinary tract is rinsed, cleaner, healthier, "he explained.

In addition, Doctor Neno also reminded that the portion of giving dry food and wet food to anabul is different. The portion must be distinguished so that the nutrients obtained by anabul are also well fulfilled.

"There is only something to remember if you give this dry food cat (holding), it contains 10 percent water. If you just give wet food, don't be like this (with a handle) too, because the water content is different," he said.

"If you just give a wet without a dry, you have to do this four times (holding) so that the nutrition is met, because there is more water (wet food)," concluded Doctor Seno.

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