Audrey Davis Calms Himself Down From The Case Of Fun Videos With Sports
Audrey Davis and David Bayu (Virgilery/VOI)

JAKARTA - David Bayu does not deny that the exciting video case involving his daughter, Audrey Davis, interfered with his lecture process.

"Yes, of course (the study was disrupted)," said David Bayu in the Ampera area, South Jakarta, Tuesday, January 7.

But David saw that Audrey was trying to get up and take his mind off the case with physical activity.

"He has more physical activity and to calm his mental state," continued David.

Audrey kept himself busy by becoming a coach in the field of sports which varied to maintain his mental condition.

"But he learns to be a coach for all kinds of sports, he is more focused on it," he said.

As a father, David certainly supports his daughter's decision because he sees a positive change in the direction of Audrey.

"Yes, more positive, learn better to be human," he said.

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