Assuming Baim Wong's Lawsuit For God's Trial, Paula Verhoeven Can Only Surrender
Paula Verhoeven (Instagram @paula_verhoeven)

JAKARTA - Paula Verhoeven tried to share her views on the domestic problems she was facing after being sued for divorce by Baim Wong. For Paula, this problem is a test from God so that she can get closer to Him.

"The way God wants to be close to us is by giving a test. It's just a matter of how we respond," said Paula Verhoeven in the Bekasi area, West Java, Sunday, November 17.

The mother of two children feels that she is learning more and is increasingly convinced of God's kindness when he gets this test.

"Alhamdulillah, with this test, I have learned a lot and are increasingly convinced that Allah is great and always around us," explained Paula Verhoeven.

Because according to Paula, God will always help herself in the most difficult conditions in life as long as she continues to strive.

"God will definitely help. Sometimes we have tried to find it here and there, it turns out that Allah is still looking at our efforts," said Paula Verhoeven.

Now Paula Verhoeven admits that she can only make many efforts and surrender to God regarding what final results will be received.

"Whatever I do, I always try. But back again, I leave the results with Allah," said Paula Verhoeven.

Not without reason, that principle made Paula Verhoeven survive until she was at this point.

"I tried to be at that point, because I tried to surrender to Allah," said Paula Verhoeven.

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