Audrey Davis had to go through counselling with a psychologist after being involved in a steamy video case
David Bayu - Audrey Davis (Instagram @davidbayudj)

JAKARTA - Dragged in the exciting video case, Audrey Davis was finally assisted by counseling assistance from psychologists to his parents' assistance. This was conveyed by Audrey Davis' attorney, Sandy Arifin, who explained that David Bayu as his father was still loyal to accompany his daughter.

"Yes, they still need maybe counseling, rest, but they are still accompanied by David and his mother. So they are both very concerned about their daughter and always accompany day after day," said Sandy Arifin in the Ragunan area, South Jakarta, Tuesday, September 3.

Sandy said that this psychologist's assistance had indeed been prepared by the family for Audrey Davis in dealing with this case.

"Yes (there is psychological assistance), there is a family that has prepared as well," explained Sandy Arifin.

Audrey himself has been counseling with psychologists for the past few weeks.

"I don't know but how many weeks has it been. Oh, it's not from Audrey (the counseling)," added Sandy Arifin.

Sandy said that this counseling is expected to make Audrey calmer in dealing with this exciting video case.

"No, but it's more colliding to calm down. I don't know yet. I haven't asked into that about work, it's still just calming down," he said.

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