The Syur Video Case Continues To Roll, Audrey Davis Discusses Sins And Self-improvement
Audrey Davis (Instagram @audreydavisputri)

JAKARTA - Musician David Bayu's daughter, Audrey Davis, has again uploaded a quote on her personal Instagram account even though she is still in the middle of an exciting video case involving her.

In his latest upload, Audrey quoted one of the English sentences marked by his marker of sin.

"The knowledge of sin is the beginning of safety," reads the book quote, quoted by VOI from Instagram @audrey.davis, Monday, September 2.

Not only that, Audrey seemed to remind himself to find the mistakes he had before he corrected the mistake.

"For anyone who doesn't know that he has committed a sin, doesn't want a fix, you have to find your own mistakes before you can improve yourself," the book continued.

Audrey again marked the book with sentences that seemed to encourage him to prove that he was wrong with the people around him.

"Prove yourself guilty, look for accusations against yourself, play part of it, first from the plaintiff, then the judge, finally the intermediary," the sentence concluded.

Until now, the exciting video case involving Audrey Davis is still rolling at Polda Metro Jaya. Previously, the police had found evidence of threats made by Audrey's ex-lover, AP against him.

"From the results of the confiscation carried out by the investigation team against the cellphone belonging to the victim's witness, Audrey Davis, it was found that there was a chat threat from the suspect AP to witness Audrey Davis," said Ditreskrimsus Polda Metro Jaya, Kombes Pol Ade Safri Simanjuntak.

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