Celebrate Independence With Independent Consultation With Ai-Care!
The examination process for the Merdeka Consultation (Ist.)

JAKARTA - Medical start-up Ai-Care held a special event to welcome the Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia which falls on August 17. The event titled Merdeka Consultation was held on Friday, August 16 at the VOI Media Building, Tanah Abang, Jakarta.

This event presents free blood sugar check, cholesterol, and gout programs. In addition, they present doctors so that people can carry out symptom checks.

Customers can register by downloading the Ai-Care application for free and filling in their personal data. Then, customers start independent consultations and do body checks before checking blood sugar, cholesterol, and gout.

Ai-Care provides initial guidance for body self-detection. But this does not replace the role of a doctor. That's why there is direct consultation like this," said Ai-Care regarding the event which was held for free.

Checking blood sugar checks, cholesterol, and gout are very useful for getting to know the initial signs of body health conditions.

The event, which lasted for a day, received enthusiasm from the surrounding community who wanted to follow the initial examination regarding their condition.

"The existence of this independent consultation is a variety of tools for our mental health as a first preventive measure," said Dony, one of the participants of the Ai-Care Merdeka Consultation event.

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