Sri Mulyani Gives Sad News: 2.474 Tax Employees Exposed To COVID, 7.652 Recovered And 51 Died
Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani. (Photo: screenshot of the Ministry of Finance's Youtube)

JAKARTA - Minister of Finance (Menkeu) Sri Mulyani said that currently there are 2.474 employees of the Directorate General (DG) of Taxes who are struggling to recover due to exposure to COVID-19. This number includes those undergoing self-isolation as well as patients in the hospital.

Meanwhile, since this pandemic lasted from last year there were 7.652 employees of the Directorate General of Taxes who were declared cured. However, 51 other people were declared by the Minister of Finance to have died due to this outbreak.

"We pray for our 51 friends who have gone before us and become victims of COVID-19, may they all be humble and end up with goodness and be given the best place by His side", said the Minister of Finance while leading the Ceremony and Reflection on the Anniversary of the 76th Tax Day, 2021 which will be broadcasted virtually, Wednesday, July 14.

Furthermore, the Minister of Finance also reminded all people and people at the Ministry of Finance to continue to comply with the health protocol rules to avoid the danger of a pandemic.

"Let us all in carrying out this extraordinary important state task while maintaining safety and health together by complying with the health protocol and obeying the Emergency Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) rules in carrying out our duties", she stressed.

Meanwhile, in commemoration of this tax day, the Minister of Finance encourages the creation of tax institutions that are able to realize the principles of Pancasila by creating social justice for all Indonesian people.

"This is a noble ideal and can be realized if an independent country is united, sovereign, just, and prosperous", she added.

For this reason, she hopes that all parties in the Directorate of Taxes will continue to maintain tax recipients to ensure the health of state finances can be maintained.

"In a pandemic situation, pressure is experienced by all countries, and the countries that can get out of this situation are countries that are able to maintain mutual cooperation. Taxes are a real example of this symbol of mutual cooperation", said Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani.

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