OIKN And BNI Cooperate On Banking Services At IKN
Photo: Doc. Antara

The Capital Archipelago Authority (OIKN) and Bank Negara Indonesia (BNI) are collaborating in the field of providing and utilizing banking services in the archipelago, East Kalimantan.

OIKN Secretary Achmad Jaka Santos Adiwijaya hopes that this cooperation will encourage BNI to further support the emergence of entrepreneurs in 47 ASN residential towers at IKN.

"We also want BNI with its customers to be able to lead customers who have businesses to fill spaces that need to be filled by entrepreneurs from various segments," said Jaka in Jakarta, quoted from Antara, Tuesday, May 21.

In the 47 ASN residential towers, Jaka hopes that BNI can provide banking services in towers 1 and 2 floors.

"Each tower on the 1st and 2nd floors is filled with public facilities and social facilities including types of businesses that are usually needed in apartments such as laundry, conference stores, and so on," he said.

Jaka expressed his appreciation to BNI. "This BNI is one institution that supports the IKN Authority and the earliest development of the archipelago," he said.

He gave an example of the birth of the Nusantara logo in the form of a Hayat Tree chosen through a competition and sponsored by BNI.

"This is something extraordinary because this is the Nusantara City logo. With the support of BNI we can get a logo whose results are extraordinary," said Jaka.

OIKN and BNI agreed to sign a memorandum of understanding in terms of providing and utilizing banking service products at the IKN Authority.

The MoU was signed by Jaka Santos and BNI Network and Services Director Ronny Venir in Jakarta, Monday, May 20.

BNI Network and Services Director Ronny Venir revealed that BNI hopes to participate fully in various banking services at IKN.

"BNI will attend and show that IKN as the city of the future is all digital," he said.

Furthermore, he hopes that this collaboration will not only be completed on the signature table.

"We will follow up on what can be done, so that this cooperation is implemented and executed properly," he said.

Previously, on February 29, 2024, BNI had conducted a groundbreaking of the BNI building at the Mini Financial Center located in the Central Government Core Area (KIPP) of IKN, which is planned to build digital service offices, drive thru ATMs and transit offices for BNI directors and employees.

This is done in order to support the preparation of moving the nation's capital city, where the digital service office and ATM drive thru will be able to provide services and provide banking products for ASN and residents in the archipelago.

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