Santri Unjuk Gigi Di Fajar 2023, Atikoh Ganjar Optimistic Jateng Jadi Kiblat Fashion Muslim
Atikoh Ganjar (Photo: dock. Provincial Government)

SEMARANG - Chairman of the Central Java Dekranasda Siti Atikoh Ganjar sumringah while attending the Semarang Fashion Trend (SFT). This is a series of embracing events for the 2023 Central Java (Fajar) Festival at BBPLK Semarang, Friday (11/8/2023) night.

This is because the students from a number of Islamic boarding schools in Central Java were involved in this year's event. That night, there were eight selected finalists who showed off their two designs, respectively.

"It's amazing. So we can see, weaving is combined with batik, then weaving is made in a beautiful dress, made in casual clothes as well as beautiful, and it looks like the children are getting more creative and innovative," he said.

Atikoh said this activity was a good breakthrough for young designers to actualize themselves. Moreover, the students also received assistance from professional designers who are members of the Indonesian Fashion Chamber (IFC), including Designer Ina Priyono.

Atikoh is also even more amazed, because the participants have never been involved as professional designers, but can show extraordinary work.

"So these are extraordinary talents, who can later be called friends on SFT with professional designers, so that later they can develop more," he said.

The eight finalists from Central Java Modest Design Competition who were selected that night, among others, came from Jepara, Kebumen, Kudus, Purworejo, Demak, Semarang, and two from Semarang City.

Atikoh is optimistic that Central Java will be able to become a qibla of Muslim fashion modes. Apart from being talented from young people who are extraordinarily creative, said Atikoh, Central Java has many resources or raw materials that can be used.

"If there is more space for them to be able to perform, it will certainly also have an extraordinary impact and extraordinary motivation to continue to innovate," he said.

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