If The 2023 THR Is Not Disbursed, Where Should Workers Report To?
Illustration of THR (Between)

YOGYAKARTA Payment of holiday allowances (THR) to workers or workers must be carried out a maximum of D-7 before Eid. This is in accordance with Circular (SE) Number M/2/HK.0400///III/2023 concerning the Implementation of Religious THR 2023 for Workers/Labourers in Companies. So, what if THR 2023 is not disbursed? Where do workers have to report?

If the 2023 Holiday Allowance (THR) is not disbursed, workers or workers can report to the THR Command Post of the Ministry of Manpower (Kemnaker).

This post is prepared by the Ministry of Manpower online (online) or offline (outline/offline).

Workers/laborers who wish to consult or complain regarding THR 2023 can visit the Ministry of Manpower's poskothr website, or it could also go through call center 1500-630 or WhatsApp 08119521150 / 08119521151.

Meanwhile, workers/laborers who wish to complain face-to-face THR can visit the Ministry of Manpower One-Stop Integrated Service Office (PTSA) Jl. General Gatot Subroto Kav.51, DKI Jakarta 1st Floor Building B. Services open at 08.00-14.00 WIB.

For workers/laborers who want to report THR are not disbursed through the Ministry of Manpower's poskothr page, pay attention to the following steps:

Company Sanctions Don't Pay THR

The provision of sanctions for non-payment of THR companies is regulated in Government Regulation (PP) Number 36 of 2021 concerning Wages.

According to the PP, companies that do not pay THR will be given sanctions in stages, starting from:

The THR given to workers/laborers must be paid in full. This was confirmed by the Minister of Manpower (Menaker) Ida Fauziyah at the end of March 2023.

This Religious THR must be paid in full, not in installments. I ask the company to obey this regulation, "said Ida, according to VOI.

The Minister of Manpower said that currently there is no longer any reason for companies not to pay or pay THR installments. According to him, the Indonesian economic condition has improved after the COVID-19 pandemic.

"Indonesia's current economic condition has improved again, of course there is no longer a story that the company does not pay THR," said Ida Fauziyah.

Berikutya, Ida menjelaskan kelompok pekerja yang berhak menerima THR 2023. Mereka yakni pekerja/laboruh yang memiliki hubungan kerja dengan pengusaha berdasarkan perjanjian kerja waktu tidak tertentu atau perjanjian kerja waktu tertentu (kontrak).

"Those who are entitled to religious THR include workers who have a continuous work period of 1 month or more, whether they have a work relationship based on an indefinite work agreement or PKWTT, or a certain time work agreement or PKWT, including workers or casual daily laborers who meet the requirements according to the laws and regulations," explained Ida.

For the amount, workers/laborers who have a continuous work period of 12 months or more will be given THR of one month's wages.

Meanwhile, workers/laborers whose work period is not even one year, THR is given proportionally, according to their working period, with a formula (work period x 1 month wage : 12).

For workers/laborers who have a freelance daily work agreement, the amount of THR can be calculated based on the average wage received during the last 12 months before religious holidays. The same applies to workers whose wages are determined based on the unit of results.

If the daily work period is not even one year or less than 12 months, then the salary of one month is calculated based on the average wage received every month during the working period.

This is information about holiday allowances. If the 2023 THR is not disbursed, workers/laborers can report via the Ministry of Manpower's poskothr website. To get other interesting news, keep reading VOI.ID.

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