JAKARTA - The government officially launched Sail Tidore 2022 at the Office of the Ministry of Trade as the head of the organizers today (Tuesday, October 11). The plan, Sail Tidor will take place from 24 to 29 November.
On this occasion, the Minister of Trade, Zulkifli Hasan, said Sail Tidore 2022 is the 12th series of Sail Indonesia. The theme this time is World Heritage Cities, Gluing Nations.
Furthermore, Zulhas, who is familiarly called Zulkifli Hasan, said that Sail Tidore 2022 is expected to be a momentum for economic recovery in the tourism sector and the creative economy as a result of COVID-19. Zulhas said, during the pandemic, this annual event was not held.
"It is an honor for the Ministry of Trade to be trusted to be the head of the national organizer of the annual Sail event, which this time was held in Tidore City, North Maluku to be exact. Thank God we were finally able to launch this activity after this activity was delayed from the previous year, Mr. Governor due to the COVID-19 pandemic", he said at the Ministry of Trade office, Tuesday, October 11.
Zulhas said, as the easternmost city in Indonesia, Tidore's infrastructure is not yet intensive enough compared to other big cities in Indonesia. With this very short time remaining, Zulhas hopes that the Minister of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Basuki Hadimuljono can accelerate the construction of supporting infrastructure for Sail Tidore 2022.
Furthermore, Zulhas said that Tidore's service to the unity of Indonesia was very great. He said that the evidence of the Tidore farmers in uniting the Indonesian nation was the spread of Islamic kingdoms in almost all parts of Indonesia. Not only Islam but also the spread of Christianity in Indonesia.
However, continued Zulhas, along with the entry of colonialists from the Netherlands, development in Tidore was lagging.
"Therefore, I think this is to pay for our services, maybe it is not balanced but it is important. Therefore, once again, Mr. Minister of Public Works, please help to make this successful, Tidore's service in Ternate is extraordinary, this is true", he said.
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