TANGERANG - Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Bahlil Lahadalia ensured that the price of the 3 kg gas cylinder was IDR 19 thousand.
"Our price cannot be more than Rp. 19 thousand," Bahlil told reporters on Jalan Palem Raya, Cibodas, Tangerang City, Tuesday, February 4.
He also explained that for sales, retailers will change their status to sub-baseline. Later they will take a 3 kg gas cylinder from the base provided that the selling price is a maximum of IDR 19 thousand to the community.
"Residents of retailers are raised to sub-base, at the prices we control so that prices are not raised as much as they want," he said.
Bahlil also targets that starting today retail agents can be raised to sub-base status. So that later people don't have to queue to get gas.
"Starting today, retail status has become sub-basement," he said.
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