This effort is related to the investigation into the alleged obstruction to the bribery investigation of the interim replacement (PAW) of members of the Indonesian House of Representatives who ensnared PDIP Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto. This was conveyed by KPK spokesman Tessa Mahardhika in response to Agustiani Tio's complaint to Komnas HAM because he did not accept being prevented from leaving the country.
"(The prevention abroad of Agustiani and her husband has been proposed since January 15 for the next 6 months," said Tessa when confirmed by VOI, Tuesday, February 4.
Tessa ensured that this prevention was filed due to investigative needs. Agustiani and her husband are expected to remain in Indonesia when they will be questioned.
"Investigators are taking precautions abroad because the information in question and her husband is needed by the KPK, especially in the case of obstruction to the investigation," he said.
Agustiani felt that the prevention abroad proposed by the KPK against her and her husband was unfair. So, she went to the Komnas HAM office with her attorney on Monday, February 3.
He said the prevention abroad made him unable to treat the cancer he was suffering from. In fact, Agustiani should undergo treatment in Guangzhou, China.
"I have to come back again on February 17 for the operation that was in my intestines because it is feared that it will become the forerunner of cancer again," Agustiani told reporters at the Komnas HAM office, Monday, February 3.
"Well, I didn't know I got a call to testify in December. Then I came, I attended on January 6 and January 8", he continued.
Agustiani said his condition was not even fit at that time. However, he remained cooperative by testifying before investigators regarding the Harun Masiku case.
However, Agustiani was prevented from going abroad for treatment. He considered this condition to hinder the treatment.
It didn't stop there, Agustiani also highlighted the prevention abroad of her husband. She was surprised by the move.
"Suddenly at home there was a letter of delinquency against me and my husband, my husband had never even been a witness, you know. What's wrong with him? Is it even wrong if his wife is guilty and her husband must also be punished? My husband didn't follow anything, you know, why suddenly he was banned, instead it became a question," he said.
Terhadap aduan ini, Komnas HAM mengatakan tindak lanjut bakal dilaksanakan. Mereka akan mengedepankan standar prosedur yang ada dan tak menutup kemungkinan melakukan komunikasi dengan KPK.
"We are to follow up on this complaint in accordance with the existing SOP, we will first enter this field of complaint to study the substance and later we will determine the next steps," he concluded.
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