This Is The Reason The Government Prefers To Recruit Contract Employees Over Civil Servants
Menpan RB Tjahjo Kumolo/Photo: Antara

JAKARTA - Minister of Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reform (Menpan RB) Tjahjo Kumolo said the government would implement a policy to recruit more Government Employees with Work Agreements (PPPK) than Civil Servants (PNS). According to him, the policy is similar to regulations in several developed countries. , namely the number of PNS policy makers is less than the number of PPPK; so that efforts to accelerate bureaucratic reform can be realized immediately. "Referring to this good example, the Indonesian government needs to follow the steps that have been taken by various developed countries as a step to quickly modernize the bureaucracy," said Tjahjo in a written statement in Jakarta, Sunday, January 23. Antara, this PDIP cadre explained that in order to realize the ideals of bureaucratic reform in Indonesia, he continued, the current government prioritizes the acceptance of state civil servants (ASN) only for PPPK formations in 2022. While CPNS formations will be eliminated in 2022. "For Selection CASN In 2022, the Government will focus on recruiting PPPK; and this year also the formation for CPNS is not available, "he added.

The government is also drafting various policies related to the acceptance of PPPK, as a legal umbrella for the 2022 CASN recruitment. Menpan RB Number B/1161/M.SM.01.00/2021 dated 27 July 2021 regarding the 2022 ASN Procurement, which was signed by Tjahjo Kumolo on 27 July 2021. The 2022 CASN selection will prioritize the fulfillment of PPPK formations for educators, health workers and extension workers. CPNS formations in the 2022 CASN Selection will only be opened through the official school scheme. Furthermore, in 2023, CPNS formations will be reopened on a limited basis by following the next policy direction. Tjahjo also said another consideration from the government was not to open CPNS formations in 2022 due to time constraints.

"The series of CPNS selections takes a relatively longer time than PPPK, so it is feared that it will not be completed on time if the CPNS formation opens this year," concluded Tjahjo.

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