JAKARTA iPhone is one of the devices with advanced features and applications. If used in the right way, this phone can easily support your various activities.
However, there are some habits that can make your iPhone not work optimally. Here are two things you need to avoid to maximize iPhone function, citing from Makeuseof.
Keep Using The Default App
The first mistake that often occurs is to keep using Apple's default app. In fact, there are many third-party applications that are superior and can improve your experience in using your everyday iPhone.
For example, you can switch from the Mail to Gmail app or use the Chrome app instead of using Safari. In addition to making the third application the default application, you can also change the Password default application from Apple.
Having Too Many Applications On Home
Whenever you download a new app, the app will be automatically added to the home screen. A system like this will make your homepage look full so you will find it difficult to find your favorite app.
In addition, a full Homescreen can hamper productivity. To overcome this, you can stop it by opening Settings, selecting the Home Screen menu, then selecting Only the Application Bibliography.
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