Not Only Bitcoin, Amazon Will Accept Cardano And Ethereum Payments, Dogecoin Included?
Amazon will also accept payments with Cardano, Ethereum and other popular cryptocurrencies (BitcoinLabs)

JAKARTA – Following reports that Amazon will accept payments with Bitcoin (BTC), it turns out that Amazon is also planning to accept payments in other popular cryptocurrencies such as Ethereum (ETH) and Cardano (ADA).

However, it is not yet known whether the most popular cryptocurrency, Dogecoin (DOGE) will also be accepted by Amazon or not. But Amazon itself has not provided an official statement regarding the plan.

According to News, Amazon will reportedly accept Bitcoin payments "by the end of the year". The information is based on reports from “insiders”. In addition, the company is also reportedly developing its own token which will be released in 2022.

The Jeff Bezos-owned company is not only “preparing cryptocurrency payment solutions at some point for the future.” In fact the crypto project is “an integral part of the well-discussed future mechanism of how Amazon will work.”

Reportedly, this cryptocurrency payment plan was initiated by Jeff Bezos. This was disclosed by the Amazon itself.

“It started with bitcoin – it was key to the first phase of the crypto project, and the direction came from the very top… Jeff Bezos himself,” said an Amazon insider.

When asked if the project was ready for release, he stated that it was very much ready. The process itself is not expected to take long as they have already planned it and “have been working on it since 2019.”

In addition, he also revealed that not only Bitcoin will be used as a means of payment, other popular crypto currencies will also be accepted. He stated Amazon would accept eight cryptocurrencies but he only mentioned Ethereum, Cardano, and Bitcoin Cash (BCH). The rest of the crypto is unknown.

“Ethereum, Cardano, and Bitcoin Cash will be next in line before they bring around the eight most popular cryptocurrencies online.”

After the payment with crypto starts. Amazon will create its own token. However, the company's steps are likely to boost cryptocurrencies that are accepted as a means of payment.

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