Complete List Of Echelon I And II Echelon Officials Of The Ministry Of Communication And Digital Affairs
Members of Echelon I officials from the Ministry of Komdigi (photo: Dinda Buana/VOI)

JAKARTA - On Monday, January 13, the Minister of Communication and Digital Affairs, Meutya Hafid, officially inaugurated 21 top Ministry officials, after changing his name from the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology.

Meutya emphasized that this inauguration was an important moment in strengthening the Ministry of Communication and Trade as a driving force for digital transformation in Indonesia.

The following are the ranks of high-ranking Komdigi officials who have just been inaugurated.

The ranks of the Middle High Leadership

Minister Expert Staff

Ministerial Special Staff

Primary High Leaders

With this new line, Meutya hopes to build collaboration with a better spirit of mutual cooperation, and complement each other to achieve common goals.

On this occasion, the ranks of Kemkomdigi officials also signed an integrity pact as a commitment to handling online gambling. This is also a tangible form of the integrity and dedication of the Ministry of Communication and Trade in creating a clean, transparent, and accountable work environment.

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