Simultaneous Pilkada, Menkomdigi Strives To Prevent Disinformation
Meutya Hamid (photo: VOI)

JAKARTA Today, November 27, the Pilkada is being held in various parts of Indonesia. Minister of Communication and Digitalization Meutya Hafid reminded the public to exercise their voting rights.

This year's regional elections are the largest regional elections in Indonesia because they were held in 37 provinces, 415 regencies, and 93 cities. Just like a few years earlier, the government fully supports this year's regional leadership election, including Komdigi.

"Komdigi fully supports the implementation of the 2024 Simultaneous Pilkada through a Public Communication approach and monitoring efforts and prevention of disinformation," said Meutya.

"We ensure that people get accurate information and encourage a peaceful and conducive Pilkada atmosphere," he said.

There are many things that Komdigi has done to support the running of the Pilkada in various regions. Komdigi has conducted a campaign with the narrative of the 'Pilkada of Peace, Symbol of National Unity'. This campaign is broadcast on television, national radio, to online media.

A similar campaign was also carried out on social and digital media with the hashtag #PilkadaDama, #AyoMemutus Simultaneously, and #Pilkada Serentak2024. Hopefully, this hashtag can reach more than five million internet users, especially Millennials and Gen Z.

In addition, Komdigi also utilizes video distribution platforms such as TikTok and Snack Video to spread educational content for novice voters. Komdigi tries to spread positive narratives to strengthen public interest in the Pilkada.

"We are grateful that so far, the potential for hoax issues related to the Pilkada has remained under control. This shows our joint success in maintaining a healthy and responsible digital ecosystem," explained Meutya.

So far, Komdigi's monitoring of the flow of conversations related to the Pilkada looks quite good. The majority of public sentiment is on the neutral side, reaching 75 percent, while conversations leading to positive sentiment are only 19 percent.

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