This Is The Cause Of Easy IPad Battery Draining
The reason the iPad battery runs out quickly (photo: Doc. Apple)

JAKARTA All devices can experience battery reduction problems quickly, one of which is the iPad. If this problem is happening on your device, there are several things you need to know. Almost all iPad models, especially if they are just purchased, can last up to 10 hours of use. If the device is often used, of course, the battery capacity will decrease. However, excessive drain occurs due to several factors. Quoting from 9to5mac, the iPad battery can run out quickly because the device is used to stream videos. The existence of such high background application activity and GPS-like location services also affect. In addition, the battery can drain quickly because it uses cellular networks, too high screen brightness, set automatic key time is too long, too long using the iPad, to download photos and videos with large capacities. Check Battery Health When you feel that your iPad battery is reduced in an unnatural way, you can check Battery Health. Given that iPadOS doesn't have Battery Health features, you can use applications from third parties.

There are two applications that can be downloaded via the App Store, namely CoconutBattery 3 and iMazing 3. Both can be used for free or paid, depending on the user's needs. Once downloaded, you can see the health of your Battery iPad. If Battery Battery Health is very low, you can do several things to increase battery life. Some of these things are closing unused applications and turning off apps running in the background. You can also activate a low power mode in Control Center, reducing the brightness of the iPad screen, reducing the automatic lock time of the screen, using an iPad in a cold-temperature room, and turning off locations in unnecessary applications.

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