No. Debate! Viral Photo Of Mount Gede Pangrango Has Been Through The Editing Process
Viral photo of the view of Mount Gede Pangrango (instagram @ wibisono.ari)

JAKARTA - Viral photos of views of Mount Gede Pangrango which can be seen clearly from the Kemayoran area, Central Jakarta. Warganet commented on the photo because it was allegedly not authentic.

This photo was first uploaded by Ari Wibisono on his personal social media. The view of Mount Gede Pangrango with a clear sky was immediately favored by many people and was uploaded again by the account of DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan, the Jakarta Environment Agency and a number of other social media accounts.

"The view of Mount Gede Pangrango in Kemayoran, Central Jakarta. This morning, this indicates that the quality of the air is being clean, Jakartans ⛰⛅ #JakartaLangitBiru," wrote Ari in his photo statement.

Unfortunately, the debate is that many netizens suspect the photo is a sticky note. Because, it is said that Mount Pangrango cannot be seen clearly in the photo, plus its location from Kemayoran. In addition, there are also those who call the photo edited using Adobe Photoshop.

Regarding the viral upload, Ari provides clarification regarding the photo he took. According to him, the photo was taken on Wednesday morning from a location in Kemayoran, the equipment used by a mirrorless camera with a telephoto zoom lens measuring 260mm.

screenshot of Ari Wibisono's instastory

Based on the Instagram post he uploaded, Ari wrote that the photo had indeed gone through the postpro process. Where he uses Adobe Lightroom software to sharpen images.

Judging from the instastory, the difference in image quality before and after the editing process. The format of the photo taken was JPEG and not RAW.

"The point is I have no intention of cropping the photo (pasting the photo). By Allah SWT, this is the result of my sweat and work," he wrote.

screenshot of Ari Wibisono's instastory

Indeed, the use of editing software is quite common even for professional photographers. They generally use Adobe Lightroom to adjust colors and manage lighting in photos.

So you can say, the photo of the viral view of Mount Gede Pangrango from the Kemayoran area has indeed gone through the editing process. However, it is not a photo patch like what the netizen suspected, but only sharpens the colors and lighting.

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